With IMAC you can offer the insurance your members need while generating revenue for your organization. Read how.
Keep your members satisfied with these benefits
There are more than 38,000 associations in the United States. With so many options, it’s important to provide your members good value and the benefits they need.
Protect your home with homeowner insurance
Help your members select the right homeowners insurance coverage with these tips.
Innovative club programs for insurance
In our latest blog, we talk about four programs we have currently in place. They cover credit card protection, traveling, technology and overall credit use. They can be a great way to bring added value to your most loyal customers.
Wondering how you can live a healthy life? Let’s talk about it!
Did you know that taking care of your body and mind is the key to unlocking a vibrant, productive life? Embrace these essential lifestyle tips for a happier and healthier you.
Adoption of insurance options needs great marketing
We’re sharing the details on the benefit packages we provide, and more importantly how to bring them to your audience in the best and most impactful manner. A key way we help is through our marketing plans, which are tailored to your needs and what your audience is seeking.
Give your employees more options for insurance
One potential offering for insurance is club programs. These clubs can bring added value to your most loyal insurance customers — or those with potential to want to you use your services.
Going a la carte: a different approach to insurance
We wanted to share more information on what types of a la carte insurance items are popular with employees or organization members. Cellphone protection, accident insurance and roadside assistance are just a few options that many want to see as part of an innovative insurance package.
New partnership will help foster more credit union growth
Recently, we began a partnership with National Auto Loan Network. We’re sharing additional details about what this partnership will mean to your credit union members, as they provide three different options for refinancing.
The other steps needed to have a great insurance program
Direct response campaigns and administration/oversight is an important step in providing insurance packages. We talk about what goes into this type of approach in our latest blog.